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6 Beginner Tips for Safe Home Canning Practices

Emergency Preparedness

So, you've got a bunch of fresh tomatoes from your garden and you're thinking about trying your hand at home canning. But before you start, it's important to learn some beginner tips for safe practices. Canning your own food can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to preserve seasonal produce, but it's crucial to do it right to avoid foodborne illness. Here are six essential tips to help you get started on the right foot.

Key Takeaways

  • Temperature control is crucial in canning low-acid foods like vegetables, meats, and poultry.
  • Select the appropriate equipment for the type of food being canned (pressure canner for low-acid foods, boiling water canner for high-acid foods).
  • Use proper canning jars that are free from cracks, chips, and nicks, and ensure a proper seal with new lids.
  • Follow recommended procedures and troubleshooting steps to ensure safe canning, including proper cleaning and inspection of equipment, following recommended processing times, and testing acidity levels.

Understanding the Basics

Emergency Preparedness

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